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GWO are changing the way they register delegates from October 17th

On October 17, 2016, GWO will launch a Global Wind Industry Training Records Database. The database goes by the acronym – WINDA. 

WINDA is a global database designed with the primary purpose of verifying the certification status of GWO Certified Training Providers and the training status of Delegates who have attended GWO certified training courses. 

Trained individuals will be required to register as Delegate users.

Uploading records of training into WINDA is a requirement in the updated Criteria for Training Providers version 5 which is released today (September 2, 2016) and enters into effect on October 17.

A database for the user

WINDA has been designed with a focus on simplicity and practicality.

WINDA operates with three user profiles and the core functionality for each user profile is: 

Training Providers must upload records of Delegates and can use WINDA to complement existing site management systems. Read more about how you can use WINDA as a GWO certified Training Provider.

Employers will be able to use WINDA to look up and verify the training status of Delegates. Read more about how you can perform look-up and verify the status of trained individuals.

Delegates will be able to access personal verified information on the status and validity of training courses completed, e.g. to demonstrate their training status to current and future employers. Read more about your options to demonstrate your competencies

Benefits of WINDA

WINDA will provide assurance and confidence in the status and validity of approved Training Providers and the training status of individuals (delegates). 

  • The main benefits of WINDA include:
  • Virtually eliminate the risk of fraud from non-certified Training Providers
  • Increase trust in competence records and validity of Training Provider’s certification status
  • Enhancing and complementing existing company and site safety management systems
  • Reduced compliance costs by avoiding repeated employee/contractor verification checks


Wind Turbine Climber Training (RUK & GWO)

Click here to view the Wind Turbine Climber training courses we offer.
Wind Turbine Climber training is aimed at personnel who are required to access or work on wind turbines generators. (WTG)


Total Access (UK) Ltd is an approved training centre for Renewables UK (RUK) and the Global Wind Organisation (GWO). Our two day Wind Turbine Climber training includes the elements of safe systems of work, equipment selection and inspection, risk assessment, wind turbine safety rules (WTSR) and emergency procedures, evacuation and rescue using appropriate wind turbine descent equipment.