Our team of specialist access examiners can carry out Safe To Climb inspections for all types of masts and towers.
We’ll appraise the structural condition of your property and provide recommendations to improve or address it as appropriate.
The Safe To Climb inspection can include:
The objectives of this inspection are to make sure the mast or tower is in a satisfactory condition. It also ensures that forms of access and places of work are fit for purpose and comply with statutory requirements.
Delivering your requirements on time, on budget and at the highest quality is our priority. All our masts and towers inspections are undertaken in accordance with the MATS GN-014 Structural Inspections of Masts and Towers guidance notes.
If you’d like to find out more about our masts and towers inspections services, or to discuss your requirements in more detail, get in touch] with our qualified experts today.
Please call us on 0330 390 0822 or email info@arcoservices.co.uk