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Rooftop Safety & Access

Rooftop Safety Access

Course Aim

To provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to enable them to access flat roofs in protected and unprotected areas. Delegates will utilise personal fall protection equipment to climb fixed ladders and work safely in a variety of exposed locations.

This course is designed to support the safety delegates who access and work on flat rooftops, particularly in the telecoms industry and is a mandatory requirement to work on BT and Arqiva sites.

Course Content

• Legislation for Working at Height
• Risk Assessment Awareness
• Rooftop hazards and control measures
• PPE – pre use checks and fitting harness, helmet, fall arrest and work positioning lanyards
• Safe use of portable ladders
• Edge protection
• Horizontal and Vertical systems (fixed and temporary)
• Climbing Techniques using harnesses, lanyards, and fixed systems
• Awareness of emergency procedures
• Theory and Practical Assessments

The course will involve elements of classroom and practical tuition.

The course can include EUSR accreditation when run at one of our training centres, which will be accepted by Arqiva, Cellnex, MBNL, CTIL, EE, Vodafone, Telefonica, BT, Network Rail and other MATS group member sites.  If required, please select EUSR registration fee as an additional product when booking your space.

Aimed At

Delegates that are required to access flat roof areas using fixed or portable ladders and harness based fall protection equipment during their duties. Examples include: Rooftop telecoms site access, Facilities management roof access

Book course at one of our Safety Centre’s by clicking on button at top right of page. Alternatively if you require course to be delivered at your location click button below.

Additional Information

EUSR registration includes a Virtual EUSR Card.  Participants must download the ‘Vircarda’ app on their mobile phone (Android/Apple) to access their virtual card. For more information see the EUSR website

  • Blended
    Classroom & Practical Training
  • Bracknell
    Client Site
    Eccleshall (Staffordshire)
    Linlithgow (Edinburgh)
  • 1 day
  • 4:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £225 + vat per person
    £1025 + vat per course
    Client's Site:
    £1190 + vat per course