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Working at Height Awareness

Working At Height

Course aim

This course will provide delegates with the knowledge to identify how to apply the hierarchy of control to height safety and identify where further training may be required for those working at height.

Course content

  •  Legislation for Working at Height
  • Risk Assessment Awareness
  • Work at height hazards and control measures
  • PPE Awareness (Harness, helmet, fall arrest/work positioning lanyards)
  • Safe use of portable ladders Awareness
  • Edge protection
  • Awareness of emergency procedures
  •  Theory Assessment

The course will involve classroom tuition only.

Aimed at

Personnel who are required to identify working at height tasks. Examples include: Supervisors, Management, Job planners, Health and Safety departments.

  • Classroom Training
  • Bracknell
    Client Site
    Eccleshall (Staffordshire)
    Linlithgow (Edinburgh)
  • Half day. (3.5 hours)
  • 12:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £150 per person
    £1025 per course
    Client's Site:
    £1190 per course
We currently have no spaces on this course - click here to be notified when it's next available