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Spill Containment and control consultancy

A spill can be defined as the uncontrolled release of a substance sufficient in size and nature to present a threat to the environment and / or people.

Accidental spills of hazardous liquids, oil, fuel and chemicals can cause serious health and safety and environmental problems and current legislation is in place to protect people and the environment. If spillages are not controlled and damaging consequences occur, then severe penalties can be issued to businesses. Having the correct products and procedures in readiness will reduce the negative impact that a spill would cause, not only to people and the environment but also on your business.

An excerpt from the COSHH regulations says:

procedures have been prepared, including the provision of first-aid facilities and safety drills (which should be tested at regular intervals);
information is available about emergency arrangements including details of hazards;
suitable warning and other communication systems are established so that remedial actions and rescue operations can commence as soon as such an event occurs.
This means that training to ensure the preparedness of systems, procedures, equipment and operator response is essential.

Our consultancy is offered by a competent team of Health, Safety and Environmental Consultants recruited from industry The team offer services such as auditing and gap analysis to help you deliver compliance with environmental management systems, such as BS EN ISO 14001, These services are supported by Arco’s fully comprehensive range of products which includes a vast selection of spillage management and minimisation and pollution control products.

For more information please contact us: 0330 3900822 or