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Working at Height Equipment Maintenance and Servicing

Let us be your competent person

Are you unsure of the legislation regarding PPE?

Do you not have the time to carry out the examinations?

Then let us help you!

Arco Professional Safety Services (Total Access (UK) Limited) has dedicated teams of Inspectors who are fully qualified to carry out formal examinations of your personal protective equipment at our premises, your premises or at serviced offices throughout the UK.


If you own work equipment that is used to protect your employees from a fall from height, you have a legal duty to ensure that it is inspected at suitable intervals (Regulation 12 (3) of the Work at Height Regulations 2005).

Any equipment that is used to suspend a person (Industrial Rope Access equipment or rescue equipment) is required to have a “thorough examination” under Regulation 9 of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.

The inspection must be undertaken by a competent person, who has the relevant knowledge and experience in the subject. This person should be financially independent to enable an inspection to take place based solely on the safety of an item and unaffected by cost.

All our inspectors undertake rigorous training and regular audits.  As an independent equipment supplier and trainer our Inspectors have access to a wide range of branded equipment and they learn how it operates in our Training Centre.  As suppliers, Arco Professional Safety Services (Previously Total Access (UK) Limited) is kept directly informed of manufacturer recalls, etc of which Inspectors are also kept aware.  In addition they receive manufacturer’s training, in-house training and bespoke LEEA training to inspect lifting accessories.  All Inspectors carry cards to prove competence to our clients.  As extra reassurance, our Inspectors have full technical support from both our Instructors and Technical Team to ensure we provide our clients with the very best of service.


Service and Inspection requirements for Fall Arrest blocks:

All fall arrest blocks should be inspected and function tested by a trained personnel on a regular basis, this can however be dependent on use and so should be a minimum of once every 6 months. We are an approved center for servicing of Ridgegear, Latchways and Capital Safety fall arrest blocks.

Please call us on 0330 390 0822 or email

  • Managed Services

    Our managed services offer is designed to allow the employer to focus on their core business rather than burden over stretched resources with these requirements.

  • Fall Protection Solutions

    With falls from height being the most common cause of fatality and serious injury in the workplace. Arco Professional Safety Services can help make this a safer environment.

  • Confined Space Services

    Working in confined spaces can be dangerous. When the risk presented to your employees is too high, it’s critical that you transfer it from them to our highly trained experts.

  • Respiratory Protection Services

    Using our expertise, you can reduce the insurance, training and equipment costs of performing these services in-house.

  • Ladder & Walkway Inspections

    Our team of highly-experienced inspectors work with the nation’s largest organisations to carry out inspections on: Fixed access ladders, Platforms, Stairs, Walkway equipment.

  • Occupational Health

    We have partnered with a leading occupational health provider to offer access to doctor-led teams of expert clinical staff. Services are delivered at your site, or at one of 16 clinics near you

    Our Brochure

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