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Working at height put under safety spotlight

Working at height put under safety spotlight to prevent death and injury in the construction industry


Construction sites across Scotland are being put under the safety spotlight as part of an inspection initiative aimed at reducing death, injury and ill health when working at height.

The targeted campaign is in response to the continued loss of life and serious injury arising from falls from height.

In the last year [up to April 2012], 49 workers lost their lives on construction sites in the UK, with falls from height being the most common cause of fatal injuries.

During September, inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive will be visiting sites across Scotland.

Although the initiative will primarily be aimed at those working on the external parts of buildings, the initiative will be looking at all work at height. The purpose of the initiative is to remind those working in construction that poor standards are totally unacceptable and could result in enforcement action.

Archie Mitchell, one of HSE's Principal Inspectors for construction in Scotland, said:

"Falling from height is the cause of the greatest number of fatalities. All too often straightforward practical precautions are not considered and workers are put unnecessarily at risk. In many cases, simple changes to working practices can make all the difference.

"Poor management of risk in this industry is unacceptable. As we have demonstrated in the past, we will take strong action if we find evidence that workers are being unnecessarily put at risk."

Further information about safe-working in construction can be found online at





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