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CITB Grants now available: Approved Training Organisation (ATO)

Providing employers in the construction industry with grants to train their workers

Arco Professional Safety Services are delighted to share that we are an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) and can offer you the opportunity to apply for CITB grants.

Our aim is to build a stronger more resilient workforce in the construction industry, by providing training that has been quality-assured by CITB.

Booking training with an ATO means that eligible employers in the construction industry are entitled to claim grants towards training costs. This can be construction-specific training, health and safety related, or management/supervisory training.

Once a course has been completed, there is a 10-day window to make grant claims to the ATO. Once processed by CITB an automatic payment will be made back to you directly.

If you would like us to make a claim for a course you are booking with us, then please make a note on your booking form and we will send you our ATO Grant Claim form to complete with the details we require.  If you are booking through our website, then please drop us an email to

citb grants

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