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Access for Theatre Technicians Level 1

Theatre Technician level 1

Course Aim

To provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to enable them to climb and rescue from a wide range of areas in the theatre using restraint or fall arrest techniques.

If you require a course to be delivered at your location click button below.

Course Content

• Legislation for Working at Height.
• Risk Assessment Awareness
• PPE – pre use checks and fitting (Harness, helmet, fall arrest and positioning lanyards)
• Anchor point selection.
• Fall arrest lanyard climbing
• Temporary horizontal Systems.
• Retractable blocks.
• Rig to rescue safety lines (Fall Arrest and Restraint)
• Rescue kit content awareness
• Casualty lifting using rescue kit
• Casualty lowering
• Casualty care
• Suspension Syncope theory
• Theory and Practical assessments

Aimed At

Theatre technicians and associated staff.

  • Classroom & Practical Training
  • Client Site
  • 2 days
  • 6:1
  • 1 year certification
  • £2335 per course
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