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COSHH Awareness

COSHH Consultancy

Course Aim

This course will cover the legal aspects of substances hazardous to health and how these apply to attendees. This will enable delegates to understand their legal obligations and in turn help the employer comply with their legal duty.

Course Contents

  • Definition of substances hazardous to health
  • How they can harm our health
  • Assessment of the risk
  • Controlling the risk
  • Workplace exposure limits
  • Precautions and health surveillance

In preparation for your training course we will require a list of your COSHH Substances stored/used on your site.

  • Classroom Training
  • Client Site
  • 1/2 day
  • 12:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £787 per course
    Client's Site:
    £860 per course
We currently have no spaces on this course - click here to be notified when it's next available