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Emergency First Aid

First Aid

Course Aim

This course is intended to provide a very basic first aid qualification for any person who may have to deal with an emergency situation. It should enable them to be able to assess and control a situation until more qualified help arrives. The subject matter covered will allow delegates to fulfil the three prime aims of first aid: to preserve life, to prevent the condition worsening and to promote the casualties recovery.

Course Content

  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a first aider
  • Be able to assess an incident
  • Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally
  • Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally
  • Recognise and assist a casualty that is choking
  • Manage a casualty who is wounded and bleeding
  • Manage a casualty who is in shock
  • Understand how to manage a casualty with a minor injury

Additional Information

Delivered in partnership with one our approved suppliers. Spaces are available at one of their nationwide centres

  • Classroom Training
  • Client Site
  • 1 day
  • 12:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £135 per person
    £165 per person for courses in London
    Client's Site:
    £685 per course