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Fire Marshall/Warden

Fire Marshal and Warden

Course Aim

The course is suitable for people who have or are going to be appointed as a Fire Marshal/Warden It would also be suitable for those who act in a supervisory or management role and need to be aware of their responsibilities in relation to fire safety arrangements. These include a risk assessment, appointment of competent persons, fire safety arrangements and identifying individuals to act as Fire Marshals/Fire Wardens

Course Content

  • Fire Precautions
  • Legislation and Standards
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Common causes of fire
  • Safety features within buildings
  • Action on discovering a fire
  • Call the Fire Service
  • Action on Hearing the Fire Alarm
  • Case Study
  • Fire Signage
  • Evacuating people with difficulties
  • Liaising with Fire Service
  • Daily and Weekly Fire Checks
  • Staff Induction
  • Record Keeping
  • Human Behaviour in Fire
  • Training Requirements
  • Fire Science

Aimed At

Any person that has been allocated fire safety responsibilities for the prevention of fires and implementing fire evacuations

  • Classroom & Practical Training
  • Client Site
  • 1/2 day (3.5 hours)
  • 12:1
  • 3 years certification
  • £830 per course
    England/Wales sites:
    2 courses in 1 day £1350
    Scotland sites:
    2 courses in 1 day £1460
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