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Abrasive Wheels Training

Abrasive Wheels

Course Aim

This course is designed to provide delegates with the skills and knowledge needed to select and mount abrasive wheels safely and in accordance with the correct regulations.

The course is not designed to show delegates how best to use the equipment once the abrasive wheel is fitted.

Machine types covered on the course are as follows:

  • Bench Grinder
  • Angle Grinder
  • Petrol Cut Off

If you require a course to be delivered at your location click button below.

Course Content

The course commences with a theory session covering all elements listed below before moving onto the practical training elements of the course.

Practical training includes carrying out pre-use checks of the wheel and the machine to ensure that they are safe, compatibility with each other and are correct for the task to be undertaken before moving on to correct mounting and adjustment procedures. The instructor will demonstrate how to correctly carry out a run test of the equipment, but will not conduct demonstrations of operational tasks or cut or grind any materials during the training.

On completion of the course, delegates will understand basic health and safety law as it applies to them
Health and Safety requirements
Hazards and risks when mounting and using abrasive wheels
(including vibration white finger)
PPE requirements
Abrasive Wheels Training V1.0 070222

Prepare equipment ready for use:
Methods of marking
Storing, handling and transporting
Testing and inspecting
Function of components
Correct mounting procedure and balancing
Adjustment of work rest and guards

  • Classroom & Practical Training
  • Client Site
  • 1/2 day
  • 8:1
  • 3 years certification
  • £860 per course
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