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Casualty Extraction

Casualty Extraction

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to educate learners in a realistic environment by preparing them to work safely; entering, using rescue equipment; following procedures and dealing with emergencies

Course Content

• Prepare to work safely in confined spaces under emergency conditions.

• Enter and exit confined spaces safely.

• Prepare and use breathing apparatus in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications.

• Use rescue equipment safely and in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.

• Follow procedures and work safely.

• Deal with emergencies.

• Use appropriate behaviour for carrying out emergency rescue and recovery of casualties.


Delegates must hold an in date Medium Risk Certificate.  It also recommended they hold first aid certificates.

  • Classroom & Practical Training
  • Bracknell
    Client Site
    Eccleshall (Staffordshire)
    Linlithgow (Edinburgh)
  • 1 day
  • 8:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £1760 per course
    Client's Site:
    £2260 at client's site
    Mobile Training Unit: