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Safety Training

When working in high-risk environments the consequences of an accident can be more severe or even fatal, therefore correct training is essential. In Great Britain during 2021/22, a total of 123 workers were killed while at work, with the most common kind of fatal accident being falls from height, accounting for over 23% of all worker deaths over the year.

Employers have a legal requirement to ensure their employees are trained, and a duty of care to ensure the training provided is appropriate for the work being undertaken. We can provide your business with the most relevant training for your needs and help you to keep your workers safe. Whether you’re looking for off-the shelf or tailor-made, on or off-site safety training, we can help.

Our range of courses helps you train your people for highrisk environments, plugging skills and knowledge gaps through a relevant package of training that’s easy to book and makes it simple to organise re-qualification of prior learning and knowledge.

Fall Protection Solutions

Enquire about onsite course delivery

If you require a course to be delivered at your location click button below to find out.

  • Classroom Learning

    Training that requires classroom learning can take place at one of our specialist training facilities. All our classrooms offer the perfect environment for face-to-face learning and incorporate the latest IT equipment for a quality training experience.

  • Online Learning

    We have moved a range of our training courses to a virtual delivery option, whereby the courses are delivered remotely by a real trainer at a set time through an e-classroom, which allows for interaction between the training and individual(s).

  • Practical Learning

    Often our courses require a more hand-on approach. Our national specialist training centres provide delegates with state-of-the-art facilities to practice real-life activities and tasks applicable to their working environment, allowing them to fully understand the risks and experience specific hazards and environments. Details on our Working at height and Confined space facilities can be found here.

  • Virtual Reality

    To support our training offer for confined space and working at height, we have developed a series of virtual reality immersive experiences to allow learners to experience the dangers posed in different working environments, in a safe and engaging way. Using VR and the environments we’ve created, provides our learners with the benefit of unforgettable training and therefore increased knowledge retention.

Training Brochure Download